With today’s newsletter, you would like to inform you about further developments and innovations around the Solar.Pro.Tool. We would be happy if one or the other impulse would be there for you. The most important topics are the integration of Polysun into the Solar.Pro.Tool and the new statics screen. InterSolar is due in June – book your appointment in advance and address your topic today.
Strategic partnership between Vela Solaris and Levasoft
“Polysun is almost ideal for practitioners”
PHOTON Test, 04-2011
It wasn’t just the test results that convinced us.
At InterSolar you can see how seamlessly we have integrated Polysun into the Solar.Pro.Tool.
Unmatched level of detail in the calculation of statics
Times change. Where yesterday a rough planning was sufficient for the preparation of an offer, today it is necessary to create in a short time the synthesis of statically correct and economically competitive interpretation.
With the Solar.Pro.Tool, this is very fast, easy and completely safe!