Statics – Nobody calculates this the way we do
From the beginning, we had the topic of statics as the core of our tool.
With the challenges of calculating the statics of the components for pitched roofs, we have decided to calculate the statics in such a way, not only as the respective standards are demanding, but also as it actually happens in nature.
- Loads act on modules
- Modules pass on these loads to clamps
- Clamps forward loads to module rails
- Module rails on cross connectors or fixations
We calculate each rail as an independent continuous beam and can display the calculated loads for each component.
general appraisal certificates can be taken into account.
Ballasting – No one calculates and optimizes this in the way we do
Of course, the requirements and results of a wind tunnel studies must be taken into account in our calculations.
So are limitations added by your structural engineer.
However, this was not enough for our customers and us.
We have optimized the calculation of ballast.
Based on general specifications and project-specific inputs, we form a linear equation.
Depending on the planned system and the project size, it is sent either to the solver of Google AI Tools or to the solver of GUROBI.
From millions of possible variants, an optimal solution for the use and distribution of ballast is found in the shortest possible time.
In the Levasoft infrastructure, a 96-core server deals with nothing else all day long.
General appraisal certificates – We have been able to count on this for a long time
In order to ensure that you are fully on the safe side when calculating the statics, we calculate your components on the basis of the general appraisal certificates you have supplied.
Together with the static variation inside the project report, you can document at any time that projects were calculated at the time of interpretation according to applicable law and approval.
In the case of components – such as stair bolts – we usually already have these general appraisal certificates.
MapDrawer – impossible to draw faster
You have certainly seen this at one point or another on the web: drawing on satellite images from Google or Bing.
The functions are unfortunately oversee-able and roofs are rarely parallel or 90° aligned to the south.
That’s why we’ve added an extra layer that makes it much easier for you to draw and duplicate.
Work with a reference line and everything you draw is aligned either in parallel or perpendicular aligned to that reference line.
Google HD automatically determines building height and roof slope.
Check out MapDrawer here:
Digital value chain – Highly integrated, from a single source
Friction losses are not only a hindrance in an emerging market, they can actually lead to a poor execution of the installation.
Our idea of a digital value chain starts with the end user (lead) and ends with the documentation of the completed installation.
The Solar.Pro.Tool plays the central role in all activities with regard to planning, pricing and planning documentation.
Together with the SPT Shop, or your web-shop, the core of a digital value chain can be formed.
To start the value chain, we can work with your lead generator to provide indications for yield and cost.
In addition to our engineering, we offer consulting services in the areas of B2B, project storage, CRM integrations and ERP.
Interfaces – No one is as integrative as we are
Thanks to the modular design of the Solar.Pro.Tool, we can interact with third-party systems at various points in the SPT.
These can be CRM systems for the start of a new project, for automatic filling of the project data, or ERP systems, which can be integrated for price-related questions and handovers.
The best way to use a middle-ware is that connects the SPT to various third-party systems.
What used to be part of a large-scale project can now be easily realized via Web-service and SSO (Single Sign On).
SPT Web-shop – Highly integrated, Ready to Go
We have been thinking about this issue for a long time.
In the end, we have come to the conclusion that there are customers and interested parties who do not use a web shop yet, but would like to do so in connection with the SPT.
We looked around and came across the very high-performance web shop of SmartStore.
The implementations that have been made so far prove we are right.
- Fast commissioning
- Prices, items, quantities, etc. from ERP system as part of Polling
- Presentation of prices in the shop and inside the SPT in the context of the user
- Legal certainty, various payment options
- In-app purchases for SPT Light users
SPT 3D – Visualization of your project in 3D
In the Output area, the project can be displayed in a 3D scene.
Since all objects in the SPT are native CAD objects, we can display everything in 3D.
The 3D view renders the building or buildings at the project location.
In addition, the textures from Google or Bing can be activated. Then the surrounding terrain (10km) is determined as such and together with the satellite imagery from Google or Bing is rendered.
The whole thing is interactive. You determine the angle of view and can take screen-shots as desired, which are then part of the project report.
Performance – it can’t be faster
We operate our own IT infrastructure. Redundantly designed and secured multiple times.
Dedicated hardware is available for compute-intensive operations.
Regular iterations examine our code for further performance improvement.
You will be surprised at how quickly highly complex calculations are completed and the result is displayed.